Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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** Amiga Oberon Interface Module:
** $VER: Dos.mod 40.15 (12.1.95) Oberon 3.6
** © 1993 by Fridtjof Siebert
** updated for V39, V40 by hartmut Goebel
e * := Exec,
t * := Timer,
u * := Utility,
y * := SYSTEM;
dosName * = "dos.library";
(* Mode parameter to Open() *)
oldFile * = 1005; (* Open existing file read/write
* positioned at beginning of file. *)
newFile * = 1006; (* Open freshly created file (delete
* old file) read/write, exclusive lock. *)
readWrite * = 1004; (* Open old file w/shared lock,
* creates file if doesn't exist. *)
(* Relative position to Seek() *)
beginning * = -1; (* relative to Begining Of File *)
current * = 0; (* relative to Current file position *)
end * = 1; (* relative to End Of File *)
bitsPerByte * = 8;
bytesPerLong * = 4;
bitsPerLong * = 32;
maxInt * = 7FFFFFFFH;
minInt * = 80000000H;
(* Passed as type to Lock() *)
sharedLock * = -2; (* File is readable by others *)
accessRead * = -2; (* Synonym *)
exclusiveLock * = -1; (* No other access allowed *)
accessWrite * = -1; (* Synonym *)
FileInfoBlockPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO FileInfoBlock;
InfoDataPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO InfoData;
DateTimePtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO DateTime;
AnchorPathPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO AnchorPath;
ProcessPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO Process;
DosPacketPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO DosPacket;
StandardPacketPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO StandardPacket;
ErrorStringPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO ErrorString;
DosLibraryPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO DosLibrary;
RootNodePtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO RootNode;
CliProcListPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO CliProcList;
AssignListPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO AssignList;
ExAllControlPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO ExAllControl;
DeviceNodePtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO DeviceNode;
NotifyMessagePtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO NotifyMessage;
NotifyRequestPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO NotifyRequest;
RecordLockPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO RecordLock;
LocalVarPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO LocalVar;
SegmentPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO Segment;
DosListNodePtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO DosListNode;
DeviceListAPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO DeviceList;
CommandLineInterfaceAPtr* = UNTRACED POINTER TO CommandLineInterface;
FileLockPtr * = BPOINTER TO FileLock;
FileHandlePtr * = BPOINTER TO FileHandle;
DosEnvecPtr * = BPOINTER TO DosEnvec;
DeviceListPtr * = BPOINTER TO DeviceList;
DevInfoPtr * = BPOINTER TO DevInfo;
DosListPtr * = BPOINTER TO DosList;
CommandLineInterfacePtr * = BPOINTER TO CommandLineInterface;
TaskArrayPtr * = BPOINTER TO TaskArray;
DosInfoPtr * = BPOINTER TO DosInfo;
FileSysStartupMsgPtr * = BPOINTER TO FileSysStartupMsg;
PathLockPtr * = BPOINTER TO PathLock;
Date * = STRUCT
days * : LONGINT; (* Number of days since Jan. 1, 1978 *)
minute * : LONGINT; (* Number of minutes past midnight *)
tick * : LONGINT; (* Number of ticks past minute *)
ticksPerSecond * = 50; (* Number of ticks in one second *)
(* Returned by Examine() and ExNext(), must be on a 4 byte boundary *)
FileInfoBlock * = STRUCT
diskKey * : LONGINT;
dirEntryType * : LONGINT; (* Type of Directory. If < 0, then a plain file.
* If > 0 a directory *)
fileName * : ARRAY 108 OF CHAR; (* Null terminated. Max 30 chars used for now *)
protection * : LONGSET; (* bit mask of protection, rwxd are 3-0. *)
entryType * : LONGINT;
size * : LONGINT; (* Number of bytes in file *)
numBlock * : LONGINT; (* Number of blocks in file *)
date * : Date; (* Date file last changed *)
comment * : ARRAY 80 OF CHAR; (* Null terminated comment associated with file *)
(* Note: the following fields are not supported by all filesystems. *)
(* They should be initialized to 0 sending an ACTION_EXAMINE packet. *)
(* When Examine() is called, these are set to 0 for you. *)
(* AllocDosObject() also initializes them to 0. *)
ownerUID *: INTEGER; (* owner's UID *)
ownerGID *: INTEGER; (* owner's GID *)
reserved * : ARRAY 32 OF CHAR;
(* FileInfoBLock.protection flag definitions: *)
(* Regular RWED bits are 0 == allowed. *)
(* NOTE: GRP and OTR RWED permissions are 0 == not allowed! *)
(* Group and Other permissions are not directly handled by the filesystem *)
otrRead * = 15; (* Other: file is readable *)
otrWrite * = 14; (* Other: file is writable *)
otrExecute * = 13; (* Other: file is executable *)
otrDelete * = 12; (* Other: prevent file from being deleted *)
grpRead * = 11; (* Group: file is readable *)
grpWrite * = 10; (* Group: file is writable *)
grpExecute * = 9; (* Group: file is executable *)
grpDelete * = 8; (* Group: prevent file from being deleted *)
script * = 6; (* program is a script (execute) file *)
pure * = 5; (* program is reentrant and rexecutable *)
archive * = 4; (* cleared whenever file is changed *)
readProt * = 3; (* ignored by old filesystem *)
writeProt* = 2; (* ignored by old filesystem *)
execute * = 1; (* ignored by system, used by Shell *)
delete * = 0; (* prevent file from being deleted *)
(* Standard maximum length for an error string from fault. However, most *)
(* error strings should be kept under 60 characters if possible. Don't *)
(* forget space for the header you pass in. *)
faultMax * = 82;
(* All BCPL data must be long word aligned. BCPL pointers are the long word
* address (i.e byte address divided by 4 (>>2)) *)
BPTR * = e.BPTR; (* Long word pointer *)
BSTR * = BPOINTER TO e.STRING; (* Long word pointer to BCPL string *)
(* BCPL strings have a length in the first byte and then the characters.
* For example: s[0]=3 s[1]=S s[2]=Y s[3]=S *)
(* returned by Info(), must be on a 4 byte boundary *)
InfoData * = STRUCT
numSoftErrors * : LONGINT; (* number of soft errors on disk *)
unitNumber * : LONGINT; (* Which unit disk is (was) mounted on *)
diskState * : LONGINT; (* See defines below *)
numBlock * : LONGINT; (* Number of blocks on disk *)
numBlockUsed * : LONGINT; (* Number of block in use *)
bytesPerBlock * : LONGINT;
diskType * : LONGINT; (* Disk Type code *)
volumeNode * : DeviceListPtr; (* BCPL pointer to volume node *)
inUse * : LONGINT; (* Flag, zero if not in use *)
(* InfoData.diskState *)
writeProtect * = 80; (* Disk is write protected *)
validating * = 81; (* Disk is currently being validated *)
validated * = 82; (* Disk is consistent and writeable *)
(* InfoData.diskType *)
(* Any other new filesystems should also, if possible. *)
noDiskPresent * = -1;
unreadableDisk * = y.VAL(LONGINT,'BAD\o');
dosDisk * = y.VAL(LONGINT,'DOS\o');
ffsDisk * = y.VAL(LONGINT,'DOS\x01');
interDosDisk * = y.VAL(LONGINT,'DOS\x02');
interFFSDisk * = y.VAL(LONGINT,'DOS\x03');
fastDirDosDisk * = y.VAL(LONGINT,'DOS\x04');
fastDirFFSDisk * = y.VAL(LONGINT,'DOS\x05');
notReallyDos * = y.VAL(LONGINT,'NDOS' );
kickStartDisk * = y.VAL(LONGINT,'KICK' );
msdosDisk * = y.VAL(LONGINT,'MSD\o');
(* Errors from IoErr(), etc. *)
noFreeStore * = 103;
taskTableFull * = 105;
badTemplate * = 114;
badNumber * = 115;
requiredArgMissing * = 116;
keyNeedsArg * = 117;
tooManyArgs * = 118;
unmatchedQuotes * = 119;
lineTooLong * = 120;
fileNotObject * = 121;
invalidResidentLibrary * = 122;
noDefaultDir * = 201;
objectInUse * = 202;
objectExists * = 203;
dirNotFound * = 204;
objectNotFound * = 205;
badStreamName * = 206;
objectTooLarge * = 207;
actionNotKnown * = 209;
invalidComponentName * = 210;
invalidLock * = 211;
objectWrongType * = 212;
diskNotValidated * = 213;
diskWriteProtected * = 214;
renameAcrossDevices * = 215;
directoryNotEmpty * = 216;
tooManyLevels * = 217;
deviceNotMounted * = 218;
seekError * = 219;
commentTooBig * = 220;
diskFull * = 221;
deleteProtected * = 222;
writeProtected * = 223;
readProtected * = 224;
notADosDisk * = 225;
noDisk * = 226;
noMoreEntries * = 232;
(* added for 1.4 *)
isSoftLink * = 233;
objectLinked * = 234;
badHunk * = 235;
notImplemented * = 236;
recordNotLocked * = 240;
lockCollision * = 241;
lockTimeOut * = 242;
unLockError * = 243;
(* These are the return codes used by convention by AmigaDOS commands *)
(* See FAILAT and IF for relvance to EXECUTE files *)
ok * = 0; (* No problems, success *)
warn * = 5; (* A warning only *)
error * = 10; (* Something wrong *)
fail * = 20; (* Complete or severe failure*)
(* Bit numbers that signal you that a user has issued a break *)
ctrlC * = 12;
ctrlD * = 13;
ctrlE * = 14;
ctrlF * = 15;
(* Values returned by SameLock() *)
same * = 0;
sameHandler * = 1; (* actually same volume *)
different * = -1;
(* types for ChangeMode() *)
changeLock * = 0;
changeFH * = 1;
(* Values for MakeLink() *)
hard * = 0;
soft * = 1; (* softlinks are not fully supported yet *)
(* values returned by ReadItem *)
equal * = -2; (* "=" Symbol *)
itemError * = -1; (* error *)
nothing * = 0; (* *N, ;, endstreamch *)
unQuoted * = 1; (* unquoted item *)
quoted * = 2; (* quoted item *)
(* types for AllocDosObject/FreeDosObject *)
fileHandle * = 0; (* few people should use this *)
exAllControl * = 1; (* Must be used to allocate this! *)
fib * = 2; (* useful *)
stdpkt * = 3; (* for doing packet-level I/O *)
cli * = 4; (* for shell-writers, etc *)
rdArgs * = 5; (* for ReadArgs if you pass it in *)
* Data structures and equates used by the V1.4 DOS functions
* StrtoDate() and DatetoStr()
(* You need this much room for each of the DateTime strings: *)
lenDatString * = 16;
DatString * = ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
DatStringPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO DatString;
(*--------- String/Date structures etc *)
DateTime * = STRUCT (stamp * : Date) (* DOS Date *)
format * : SHORTINT; (* controls appearance of dat_StrDate *)
flags * : SHORTSET; (* see BITDEF's below *)
strDay * : DatStringPtr; (* day of the week string *)
strDate* : DatStringPtr; (* date string *)
strTime* : DatStringPtr; (* time string *)
(* flags for DateTime.flags *)
subst * = 0; (* substitute Today, Tomorrow, etc. *)
future * = 1; (* day of the week is in future *)
* date format values
formatDos * = 0; (* dd-mmm-yy *)
formatInt * = 1; (* yy-mm-dd *)
formatUSA * = 2; (* mm-dd-yy *)
formatCDN * = 3; (* dd-mm-yy *)
formatMax * = formatCDN;
************************ PATTERN MATCHING ******************************
* structure expected by MatchFirst, MatchNext.
* Allocate this structure and initialize it as follows:
* Set ap_BreakBits to the signal bits (CDEF) that you want to take a
* break on, or NULL, if you don't want to convenience the user.
* If you want to have the FULL PATH NAME of the files you found,
* allocate a buffer at the END of this structure, and put the size of
* it into ap_Length. If you don't want the full path name, make sure
* you set ap_Length to zero. In this case, the name of the file, and stats
* are available in the ap_Info, as per usual.
* Then call MatchFirst() and then afterwards, MatchNext() with this structure.
* You should check the return value each time (see below) and take the
* appropriate action, ultimately calling MatchEnd() when there are
* no more files and you are done. You can tell when you are done by
* checking for the normal AmigaDOS return code ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES.
AnchorPath * = STRUCT
base * : AChainPtr; (* pointer to first anchor *)
last * : AChainPtr; (* pointer to last anchor *)
breakBits * : LONGSET; (* Bits we want to break on *)
foundBreak * : LONGSET; (* Bits we broke on. Also returns ERROR_BREAK *)
flags * : SHORTSET; (* New use for extra word. *)
reserved * : e.BYTE;
strLen * : INTEGER; (* This is what AnchoPath.length used to be *)
info * : FileInfoBlock;
buf * : e.STRING; (* Buffer for path name *)
(* AnchorPath.flags *)
doWild * = 0; (* User option ALL *)
itsWild * = 1; (* Set by MatchFirst, used by MatchNext *)
(* Application can test itsWild, too *)
doDir * = 2; (* Bit is SET if a DIR node should be *)
(* entered. Application can RESET this *)
(* bit after MatchFirst/MatchNext to AVOID *)
(* entering a dir. *)
didDir * = 3; (* Bit is SET for an "expired" dir node. *)
noMemErr* = 4; (* Set on memory error *)
doDot * = 5; (* If set, allow conversion of '.' to *)
(* CurrentDir *)
dirChanged * = 6; (* ap_Current->an_Lock changed *)
(* since last MatchNext call *)
AChain * = STRUCT
child * : AChainPtr;
parent * : AChainPtr;
lock * : FileLockPtr;
info * : FileInfoBlock;
flags * : SHORTSET;
string * : e.STRING;
patternBit * = 0;
examinedBit * = 1;
completed * = 2;
allBit * = 3;
single * = 4;
* Constants used by wildcard routines, these are the pre-parsed tokens
* referred to by pattern match. It is not necessary for you to do
* anything about these, MatchFirst() MatchNext() handle all these for you.
pAny * = 80H; (* Token for '*' or '#? *)
pSingle * = 81H; (* Token for '?' *)
pOrStart * = 82H; (* Token for '(' *)
pOrNext * = 83H; (* Token for '|' *)
pOrEnd * = 84H; (* Token for ')' *)
pNot * = 85H; (* Token for '~' *)
pNotEnd * = 86H; (* Token for *)
pNotClass * = 87H; (* Token for '^' *)
pClass * = 88H; (* Token for '[]' *)
pRepBeg * = 89H; (* Token for '[' *)
pRepEnd * = 8AH; (* Token for ']' *)
pStop * = 8BH; (* Token to force end of evaluation *)
(* Values for an_Status, NOTE: These are the actual bit numbers *)
complexBit * = 1; (* Parsing complex pattern *)
examineBit * = 2; (* Searching directory *)
* Returns from MatchFirst(), MatchNext()
* You can also get dos error returns, such as ERROR_NO_MORE_ENTRIES,
* these are in the dos.h file.
bufferOverflow * = 303; (* User or internal buffer overflow *)
break * = 304; (* A break character was received *)
notExecutable * = 305; (* A file has E bit cleared *)
ProcessId * = e.MsgPortPtr; (* Points to Process.msgPort *)
(* All DOS processes have this structure *)
(* Create and Device Proc returns pointer to the MsgPort in this structure *)
(* dev_proc = (struct Process * ) (DeviceProc(..) - sizeof(struct Task)); *)
Process * = STRUCT (task * : e.Task)
msgPort * : e.MsgPort; (* This is BPTR address from DOS functions *)
pad * : INTEGER; (* Remaining variables on 4 byte boundaries *)
segList * : e.BPTR; (* Array of seg lists used by this process *)
stackSize * : LONGINT; (* Size of process stack in bytes *)
globVec * : e.APTR; (* Global vector for this process (BCPL) *)
taskNum * : LONGINT; (* CLI task number of zero if not a CLI *)
stackBase * : e.BPTR; (* Ptr to high memory end of process stack *)
result2 * : LONGINT; (* Value of secondary result from last call *)
currentDir * : FileLockPtr; (* Lock associated with current directory *)
cis * : FileHandlePtr; (* Current CLI Input Stream *)
cos * : FileHandlePtr; (* Current CLI Output Stream *)
consoleTask * : ProcessId; (* Console handler process for current window*)
fileSystemTask * : ProcessId; (* File handler process for current drive *)
cli * : CommandLineInterfacePtr; (* pointer to CommandLineInterface *)
returnAddr * : e.APTR; (* pointer to previous stack frame *)
pktWait * : e.APTR; (* Function to be called when awaiting msg *)
windowPtr * : e.APTR; (* Window for error printing *)
(* following definitions are new with 2.0 *)
homeDir * : FileLockPtr; (* Home directory of executing program *)
flags * : LONGSET; (* flags telling dos about process *)
exitCode * : e.PROC; (* code to call on exit of program or NULL *)
exitData * : LONGINT; (* Passed as an argument to pr_ExitCode. *)
arguments * : e.LSTRPTR; (* Arguments passed to the process at start *)
localVars * : e.MinList; (* Local environment variables *)
shellPrivate * : LONGINT; (* for the use of the current shell *)
ces * : FileHandlePtr; (* Error stream - if NULL, use pr_COS *)
* Flags for Process.flags
freeSegList * = 0;
freeCurrDir * = 1;
freeCLI * = 2;
closeInput * = 3;
closeOutput * = 4;
freeArgs * = 5;
(* The long word address (BPTR) of this structure is returned by
* Open() and other routines that return a file. You need only worry
* about this struct to do async io's via PutMsg() instead of
* standard file system calls *)
FileHandle * = STRUCT
link * : e.MessagePtr; (* EXEC message *)
port * : e.MsgPortPtr; (* Reply port for the packet *)
type * : ProcessId; (* Port to do PutMsg() to
* Address is negative if a plain file *)
buf * : LONGINT;
pos * : LONGINT;
end * : LONGINT;
func1* : LONGINT;
func2* : LONGINT;
func3* : LONGINT;
arg1 * : LONGINT;
arg2 * : LONGINT;
(* This is the extension to EXEC Messages used by DOS *)
DosPacket * = STRUCT
link * : e.MessagePtr; (* EXEC message *)
port * : e.MsgPortPtr; (* Reply port for the packet *)
(* Must be filled in each send. *)
type * : LONGINT; (* See ACTION_... below and (* action *)
* 'R' means Read, 'W' means Write to the
* file system *)
res1 * : LONGINT; (* For file system calls this is the result (* status *)
* that would have been returned by the
* function, e.g. Write ('W') returns actual
* length written *)
res2 * : LONGINT; (* For file system calls this is what would (* status2 *)
* have been returned by IoErr() *)
arg1 * : LONGINT; (* bufAddr *)
arg2 * : LONGINT;
arg3 * : LONGINT;
arg4 * : LONGINT;
arg5 * : LONGINT;
arg6 * : LONGINT;
arg7 * : LONGINT;
(* A Packet does not require the Message to be before it in memory, but
* for convenience it is useful to associate the two.
* Also see the function init_std_pkt for initializing this structure *)
StandardPacket * = STRUCT (msg * : e.Message)
pkt * : DosPacket;
(* DosPacket.type *)
nil * = 0;
startup * = 0;
getBlock * = 2; (* OBSOLETE *)
setMap * = 4;
die * = 5;
event * = 6;
currentVolume * = 7;
locateObject * = 8;
renameDisk * = 9;
write * = ORD('W');
read * = ORD('R');
freeLock * = 15;
deleteObject * = 16;
renameObject * = 17;
moreCache * = 18;
copyDir * = 19;
waitChar * = 20;
setProtect * = 21;
createDir * = 22;
examineObject * = 23;
examineNext * = 24;
diskInfo * = 25;
info * = 26;
flush * = 27;
setComment * = 28;
parent * = 29;
timer * = 30;
inhibit * = 31;
diskType * = 32;
diskChange * = 33;
setDate * = 34;
screenMode * = 994;
readReturn * = 1001;
writeReturn * = 1002;
seek * = 1008;
findUpdate * = 1004;
findInput * = 1005;
findOutput * = 1006;
actionEnd * = 1007;
setFileSize * = 1022; (* fast file system only in 1.3 *)
writeprotect * = 1023; (* fast file system only in 1.3 *)
(* new 2.0 packets *)
sameLock * = 40;
changeSignal * = 995;
format * = 1020;
makeLink * = 1021;
readLink * = 1024;
fhFromLock * = 1026;
isFileSystem * = 1027;
changeMode * = 1028;
copyDirFH * = 1030;
parentFH * = 1031;
examineAll * = 1033;
examineFH * = 1034;
lockRecord * = 2008;
freeRecord * = 2009;
addNotify * = 4097;
removeNotify * = 4098;
(* Added in V39: *)
examineAllEnd * = 1035;
setOwner * = 1036;
* A structure for holding error messages - stored as array with error == 0
* for the last entry.
ErrorString * = STRUCT
nums * : e.APTR;
strings * : e.APTR;
(* DOS library node structure.
* This is the data at positive offsets from the library node.
* Negative offsets from the node is the jump table to DOS functions
* node = (struct DosLibrary * ) OpenLibrary( "dos.library" .. ) *)
DosLibrary * = STRUCT (lib * : e.Library)
root * : RootNodePtr; (* Pointer to RootNode, described below *)
gv * : e.APTR; (* Pointer to BCPL global vector *)
a2 : LONGINT; (* Private register dump of DOS *)
errors * : ErrorStringPtr; (* pointer to array of error msgs *)
timeReq : t.TimeRequestPtr; (* private pointer to timer request *)
utilityBase : e.LibraryPtr; (* private ptr to utility library *)
(* *)
TaskArray * = STRUCT
cli * : ARRAY 10000000H OF ProcessId;
RootNode * = STRUCT
taskArray * : TaskArrayPtr; (* [0] is max number of CLI's
* [1] is APTR to process id of CLI 1
* [n] is APTR to process id of CLI n *)
consoleSegment * : e.BPTR; (* SegList for the CLI *)
time * : Date; (* Current time *)
restartSeg * : e.BPTR; (* SegList for the disk validator process *)
info * : DosInfoPtr; (* Pointer to the Info structure *)
fileHandlerSegment * : e.BPTR; (* segment for a file handler *)
cliList * : e.MinList; (* new list of all CLI processes *)
(* the first cpl_Array is also rn_TaskArray *)
bootProc -: ProcessId; (* private ptr to msgport of boot fs *)
shellSegment * : e.BPTR; (* seglist for Shell (for NewShell) *)
flags * : LONGSET; (* dos flags *)
(* RootNode.flags *)
wildStar * = 24;
private1 * = 1;
(* ONLY to be allocated by DOS! *)
CliProcList * = STRUCT (node * : e.MinNode)
first * : LONGINT; (* number of first entry in array *)
(* [0] is max number of CLI's in this entry (n)
* [1] is CPTR to process id of CLI cpl_First
* [n] is CPTR to process id of CLI cpl_First+n-1
DosInfo * = STRUCT
mcName * : BSTR; (* Network name of this machine; currently 0 *)
devInfo * : DevInfoPtr; (* Device List *)
devices * : e.BPTR; (* Currently zero *)
handlers * : e.BPTR; (* Currently zero *)
nethand * : ProcessId; (* Network handler processid; currently zero *)
devLock * : e.SignalSemaphore; (* do NOT access directly! *)
entryLock * : e.SignalSemaphore; (* do NOT access directly! *)
deleteLock * : e.SignalSemaphore;(* do NOT access directly! *)
(* structure for the Dos resident list. Do NOT allocate these, use *)
(* AddSegment(), and heed the warnings in the autodocs! *)
Segment * = STRUCT
next * : e.BPTR;
uc * : LONGINT;
seg * : e.BPTR;
name * : ARRAY 4 OF CHAR; (* actually the first 4 chars of BSTR name *)
cmdSystem * = -1;
cmdInternal * = -2;
cmdDisabled * = -999;
PathLock * = STRUCT
next * : PathLockPtr;
lock * : FileLockPtr;
(* DOS Processes started from the CLI via RUN or NEWCLI have this additional
* set to data associated with them *)
CommandLineInterface * = STRUCT
result2 * : LONGINT; (* Value of IoErr from last command *)
setName * : BSTR; (* Name of current directory *)
commandDir * : PathLockPtr; (* Head of the path locklist *)
returnCode * : LONGINT; (* Return code from last command *)
commandName * : BSTR; (* Name of current command *)
failLevel * : LONGINT; (* Fail level (set by FAILAT) *)
prompt * : BSTR; (* Current prompt (set by PROMPT) *)
standardInput * : FileHandlePtr; (* Default (terminal) CLI input *)
currentInput * : FileHandlePtr; (* Current CLI input *)
commandFile * : BSTR; (* Name of EXECUTE command file *)
interactive * : LONGINT; (* Boolean; True if prompts required *)
background * : LONGINT; (* Boolean; True if CLI created by RUN *)
currentOutput * : FileHandlePtr; (* Current CLI output *)
defaultStack * : LONGINT; (* Stack size to be obtained in long words *)
standardOutput * : FileHandlePtr; (* Default (terminal) CLI output *)
module * : e.BPTR; (* SegList of currently loaded command *)
(* This structure can take on different values depending on whether it is
* a device, an assigned directory, or a volume. Below is the structure
* reflecting volumes only. Following that is the structure representing
* only devices. Following that is the unioned structure representing all
* the values
DosListNode * = STRUCT END; (* Dummy to make the following STRUCTs compatible *)
(* structure representing a volume *)
DeviceList * = STRUCT (dummy: DosListNode)
next * : DeviceListPtr; (* bptr to next device list *)
type * : LONGINT; (* see DLT below *)
task * : ProcessId; (* ptr to handler task *)
lock * : FileLockPtr; (* not for volumes *)
volumeDate * : Date; (* creation date *)
lockList * : FileLockPtr; (* outstanding locks *)
diskType * : LONGINT; (* 'DOS', etc *)
unused * : LONGINT;
name * : BSTR; (* bptr to bcpl name *)
(* device structure (same as the DeviceNode structure in filehandler.h) *)
DevInfo * = STRUCT (dummy: DosListNode)
next * : DevInfoPtr;
type * : LONGINT;
task * : ProcessId;
lock * : FileLockPtr;
handler * : BSTR;
stackSize * : LONGINT;
priority * : LONGINT;
startup * : FileSysStartupMsgPtr;
segList * : e.BPTR;
globVec * : e.BPTR;
name * : BSTR;
(* combined structure for devices, assigned directories, volumes *)
DosList * = STRUCT (dummy: DosListNode)
next * : DevInfoPtr;
type * : LONGINT;
task * : ProcessId;
lock * : FileLockPtr;
assignName* : e.LSTRPTR; (* name for non-or-late-binding assign *)
list * : AssignListPtr; (* for multi-directory assigns (regular) *)
unused * : ARRAY 4 OF LONGINT;
name * : BSTR;
(* structure used for multi-directory assigns. AllocVec()ed. *)
AssignList * = STRUCT
next * : AssignListPtr;
lock * : FileLockPtr;
(* definitions for DosList.type *)
device * = 0;
directory * = 1; (* assign *)
volume * = 2;
late * = 3; (* late-binding assign *)
nonBinding * = 4; (* non-binding assign *)
private * = -1; (* for internal use only *)
(* structure return by GetDeviceProc() *)
DevProc * = STRUCT
port * : e.MsgPortPtr;
lock * : FileLockPtr;
flags * : LONGSET;
devNode : DosListNodePtr; (* DON'T TOUCH OR USE! *)
(* definitions for DevProc.flags *)
unLock * = 0;
assign * = 1;
(* Flags to be passed to LockDosList(), etc *)
devices * = 2;
volumes * = 3;
assigns * = 4;
entry * = 5;
ldDelete * = 6;
(* you MUST specify one of read or write *)
dosListRead * = 0;
dosListWrite * = 1;
(* actually all but entry (which is used for internal locking) *)
all * = LONGSET{devices,volumes,assigns};
(* a lock structure, as returned by Lock() or DupLock() *)
FileLock * = STRUCT
link * : FileLockPtr; (* bcpl pointer to next lock *)
key * : LONGINT; (* disk block number *)
access * : LONGINT; (* exclusive or shared *)
task * : ProcessId; (* handler task's port *)
volume * : DeviceListPtr; (* bptr to DLT_VOLUME DosList entry *)
(* error report types for ErrorReport() *)
reportStream * = 0; (* a stream *)
reportTask * = 1; (* a process - unused *)
reportLock * = 2; (* a lock *)
reportVolume * = 3; (* a volume node *)
reportInsert * = 4; (* please insert volume *)
(* Special error codes for ErrorReport() *)
diskError * = 296; (* Read/write error *)
abortBusy * = 288; (* You MUST replace... *)
(* types for initial packets to shells from run/newcli/execute/system. *)
(* For shell-writers only *)
runExecute * = -1;
runSystem * = -2;
runSystemAsynch * = -3;
(* Types for FileInfoBlock.dirEntryType. NOTE that both USERDIR and ROOT are *)
(* directories, and that directory/file checks should use <0 and >=0. *)
(* This is not necessarily exhaustive! Some handlers may use other *)
(* values as needed, though <0 and >=0 should remain as supported as *)
(* possible. *)
root * = 1;
userDir * = 2;
softLink * = 3; (* looks like dir, but may point to a file! *)
linkDir * = 4; (* hard link to dir *)
file * = -3; (* must be negative for FIB! *)
linkFile * = -4; (* hard link to file *)
(* hunk types *)
hunkUnit * = 999;
hunkName * = 1000;
hunkCode * = 1001;
hunkData * = 1002;
hunkBSS * = 1003;
hunkReloc32 * = 1004;
hunkAbsReloc32 * = hunkReloc32;
hunkReloc16 * = 1005;
hunkRelReloc16 * = hunkReloc16;
hunkReloc8 * = 1006;
hunkRelReloc8 * = hunkReloc8;
hunkExt * = 1007;
hunkSymbol * = 1008;
hunkDebug * = 1009;
hunkEnd * = 1010;
hunkHeader * = 1011;
hunkOverlay * = 1013;
hunkBreak * = 1014;
hunkDRel32 * = 1015;
hunkDRel16 * = 1016;
hunkDRel8 * = 1017;
hunkLib * = 1018;
hunkIndex * = 1019;
* Note: V37 LoadSeg uses 1015 (HUNK_DREL32) by mistake. This will continue
* to be supported in future versions, since HUNK_DREL32 is illegal in load files
* anyways. Future versions will support both 1015 and 1020, though anything
* that should be usable under V37 should use 1015.
hunkReloc32Short * = 1020;
(* see ext_xxx below. New for V39 (note that LoadSeg only handles RELRELOC32).*)
hunkRelReloc32 * = 1021;
hunkAbsReloc16 * = 1022;
* Any hunks that have the HUNKB_ADVISORY bit set will be ignored if they
* aren't understood. When ignored, they're treated like HUNK_DEBUG hunks.
* NOTE: this handling of HUNKB_ADVISORY started as of V39 dos.library! If
* lading such executables is attempted under <V39 dos, it will fail with a
* bad hunk type.
hunkBAdvisory * = 29;
hunkBChip * = 30;
hunkBFast * = 31;
(* hunk_ext sub-types *)
extSymb * = 0; (* symbol table *)
extDef * = 1; (* relocatable definition *)
extAbs * = 2; (* Absolute definition *)
extRes * = 3; (* no longer supported *)
extRef32 * = 129; (* 32 bit reference to symbol *)
extAbsRef32 * = extRef32;
extCommon * = 130; (* 32 bit reference to COMMON block *)
extAbsCommon * = extCommon;
extRef16 * = 131; (* 16 bit reference to symbol *)
extRelRef16 * = extRef16;
extRef8 * = 132; (* 8 bit reference to symbol *)
extRelRef8 * = extRef8;
extDExt32 * = 133; (* 32 bit data releative reference *)
extDExt16 * = 134; (* 16 bit data releative reference *)
extDExt8 * = 135; (* 8 bit data releative reference *)
(* These are to support some of the '020 and up modes that are rarely used *)
extRelRef32 * = 136; (* 32 bit PC-relative reference to symbol *)
extRelCommon * = 137; (* 32 bit PC-relative reference to COMMON block *)
(* for completeness... All 680x0's support this *)
extAbsRef16 * = 138; (* 16 bit absolute reference to symbol *)
(* this only exists on '020's and above, in the (d8,An,Xn) address mode *)
extAbsRef8 * = 139; (* 8 bit absolute reference to symbol *)
(* definitions for the System() call *)
sysDummy * = u.user + 32;
sysInput * = sysDummy + 1; (* specifies the input filehandle *)
sysOutput * = sysDummy + 2; (* specifies the output filehandle *)
sysAsynch * = sysDummy + 3; (* run asynch, close input/output on exit(!) *)
sysUserShell * = sysDummy + 4; (* send to user shell instead of boot shell *)
sysCustomShell * = sysDummy + 5; (* send to a specific shell (data is name) *)
(* definitions for the CreateNewProc() call *)
(* you MUST specify one of NP_Seglist or NP_Entry. All else is optional. *)
npDummy * = u.user + 1000;
npSeglist * = npDummy + 1; (* seglist of code to run for the process *)
npFreeSeglist * = npDummy + 2; (* free seglist on exit - only valid for *)
(* for NP_Seglist. Default is TRUE. *)
npEntry * = npDummy + 3; (* entry point to run - mutually exclusive *)
(* with NP_Seglist! *)
npInput * = npDummy + 4; (* filehandle - default is Open("NIL:"...) *)
npOutput * = npDummy + 5; (* filehandle - default is Open("NIL:"...) *)
npCloseInput * = npDummy + 6; (* close input filehandle on exit *)
(* default TRUE *)
npCloseOutput * = npDummy + 7; (* close output filehandle on exit *)
(* default TRUE *)
npError * = npDummy + 8; (* filehandle - default is Open("NIL:"...) *)
npCloseError * = npDummy + 9; (* close error filehandle on exit *)
(* default TRUE *)
npCurrentDir * = npDummy + 10; (* lock - default is parent's current dir *)
npStackSize * = npDummy + 11; (* stacksize for process - default 4000 *)
npName * = npDummy + 12; (* name for process - default "New Process"*)
npPriority * = npDummy + 13; (* priority - default same as parent *)
npConsoleTask * = npDummy + 14; (* consoletask - default same as parent *)
npWindowPtr * = npDummy + 15; (* window ptr - default is same as parent *)
npHomeDir * = npDummy + 16; (* home directory - default curr home dir *)
npCopyVars * = npDummy + 17; (* boolean to copy local vars-default TRUE *)
npCli * = npDummy + 18; (* create cli structure - default FALSE *)
npPath * = npDummy + 19; (* path - default is copy of parents path *)
(* only valid if a cli process! *)
npCommandName * = npDummy + 20; (* commandname - valid only for CLI *)
npArguments * = npDummy + 21; (* cstring of arguments - passed with str *)
(* in a0, length in d0. (copied and freed *)
(* on exit. Default is empty string. *)
(* NOTE: not operational until 2.04 - see *)
(* BIX/TechNotes for more info/workarounds *)
(* NOTE: in 2.0, it DIDN'T pass "" - the *)
(* registers were random. *)
(* FIX! should this be only for cli's? *)
npNotifyOnDeath * = npDummy + 22; (* notify parent on death - default FALSE *)
(* Not functional yet. *)
npSynchronous * = npDummy + 23; (* don't return until process finishes - *)
(* default FALSE. *)
(* Not functional yet. *)
npExitCode * = npDummy + 24; (* code to be called on process exit *)
npExitData * = npDummy + 25; (* optional argument for NP_EndCode rtn - *)
(* default NULL *)
(* tags for AllocDosObject *)
adoDummy * = u.user + 2000;
adoFHMode * = adoDummy + 1;
(* for type DOS_FILEHANDLE only *)
(* sets up FH for mode specified.
This can make a big difference for buffered
files. *)
(* The following are for DOS_CLI *)
(* If you do not specify these, dos will use it's preferred values *)
(* which may change from release to release. The BPTRs to these *)
(* will be set up correctly for you. Everything will be zero, *)
(* except cli_FailLevel (10) and cli_Background (DOSTRUE). *)
(* NOTE: you may also use these 4 tags with CreateNewProc. *)
adoDirLen * = adoDummy + 2; (* size in bytes for current dir buffer *)
adoCommNameLen * = adoDummy + 3; (* size in bytes for command name buffer *)
adoCommFileLen * = adoDummy + 4; (* size in bytes for command file buffer *)
adoPromptLen * = adoDummy + 5; (* size in bytes for the prompt buffer *)
(* tags for NewLoadSeg *)
(* no tags are defined yet for NewLoadSeg *)
(* NOTE: V37 dos.library, when doing ExAll() emulation, and V37 filesystems *)
(* will return an error if passed ED_OWNER. If you get ERROR_BAD_NUMBER, *)
(* retry with ED_COMMENT to get everything but owner info. All filesystems *)
(* supporting ExAll() must support through ED_COMMENT, and must check Type *)
(* and return ERROR_BAD_NUMBER if they don't support the type. *)
(* values that can be passed for what data you want from ExAll() *)
(* each higher value includes those below it (numerically) *)
(* you MUST chose one of these values *)
name * = 1;
type * = 2;
size * = 3;
protection * = 4;
date * = 5;
comment * = 6;
owner * = 7;
* Structure in which exall results are returned in. Note that only the
* fields asked for will exist!
ExAllData * = STRUCT
next * : ExAllDataPtr;
name * : e.LSTRPTR;
type * : LONGINT;
size * : LONGINT;
prot * : LONGSET;
days * : LONGINT;
mins * : LONGINT;
ticks * : LONGINT;
comment * : e.LSTRPTR; (* strings will be after last used field *)
ownerUID * : INTEGER; (* new for V39 *)
ownerGID * : INTEGER;
* Control structure passed to ExAll. Unused fields MUST be initialized to
* 0, expecially eac_LastKey.
* eac_MatchFunc is a hook (see utility.library documentation for usage)
* It should return true if the entry is to returned, false if it is to be
* ignored.
* This structure MUST be allocated by AllocDosObject()!
ExAllControl * = STRUCT
entries * : LONGINT; (* number of entries returned in buffer *)
lastKey * : LONGINT; (* Don't touch inbetween linked ExAll calls! *)
matchString * : e.LSTRPTR; (* wildcard string for pattern match or NULL *)
matchFunc * : u.HookPtr; (* optional private wildcard function *)
(* The disk "environment" is a longword array that describes the
* disk geometry. It is variable sized, with the length at the beginning.
* Here are the constants for a standard geometry.
DosEnvec * = STRUCT
tableSize * : LONGINT; (* size of Environment vector *)
sizeBlock * : LONGINT; (* in longwords: standard value is 128 *)
secOrg * : LONGINT; (* not used; must be 0 *)
surfaces * : LONGINT; (* # of heads (surfaces). drive specific *)
sectorPerBlock * : LONGINT; (* not used; must be 1 *)
blocksPerTrack * : LONGINT; (* blocks per track. drive specific *)
reserved * : LONGINT; (* DOS reserved blocks at start of partition. *)
preAlloc * : LONGINT; (* DOS reserved blocks at end of partition *)
interleave * : LONGINT; (* usually 0 *)
lowCyl * : LONGINT; (* starting cylinder. typically 0 *)
highCyl * : LONGINT; (* max cylinder. drive specific *)
numBuffers * : LONGINT; (* Initial # DOS of buffers. *)
bufMemType * : LONGINT; (* type of mem to allocate for buffers *)
maxTransfer * : LONGINT; (* Max number of bytes to transfer at a time *)
mask * : LONGSET; (* Address Mask to block out certain memory *)
bootPri * : LONGINT; (* Boot priority for autoboot *)
dosType * : LONGINT; (* ASCII (HEX) string showing filesystem type;
* 0X444F5300 is old filesystem,
* 0X444F5301 is fast file system *)
baud * : LONGINT; (* Baud rate for serial handler *)
control * : LONGINT; (* Control word for handler/filesystem *)
bootBlocks * : LONGINT; (* Number of blocks containing boot code *)
(* these are the offsets into the array *)
(* DE_TABLESIZE is set to the number of longwords in the table minus 1 *)
tableSize * = 0; (* minimum value is 11 (includes NumBuffers) *)
sizeBlock * = 1; (* in longwords: standard value is 128 *)
secOrg * = 2; (* not used; must be 0 *)
numHeads * = 3; (* # of heads (surfaces). drive specific *)
secsPerBlk * = 4; (* not used; must be 1 *)
blksPerTrack * = 5; (* blocks per track. drive specific *)
reservedBlks * = 6; (* unavailable blocks at start. usually 2 *)
preFac * = 7; (* not used; must be 0 *)
interLeave * = 8; (* usually 0 *)
lowCyl * = 9; (* starting cylinder. typically 0 *)
upperCyl * = 10; (* max cylinder. drive specific *)
numBuffers * = 11; (* starting # of buffers. typically 5 *)
memBufType * = 12; (* type of mem to allocate for buffers. *)
bufMemType * = 12; (* same as above, better name
* 1 is public, 3 is chip, 5 is fast *)
maxTransfer * = 13; (* Max number bytes to transfer at a time *)
mask * = 14; (* Address Mask to block out certain memory *)
bootPri * = 15; (* Boot priority for autoboot *)
dosType * = 16; (* ASCII (HEX) string showing filesystem type;
* 0X444F5300 is old filesystem,
* 0X444F5301 is fast file system *)
baud * = 17; (* Baud rate for serial handler *)
control * = 18; (* Control word for handler/filesystem *)
bootBlocks * = 19; (* Number of blocks containing boot code *)
(* The file system startup message is linked into a device node's startup
** field. It contains a pointer to the above environment, plus the
** information needed to do an exec OpenDevice().
FileSysStartupMsg * = STRUCT
unit * : LONGINT; (* exec unit number for this device *)
device * : BSTR; (* null terminated bstring to the device name *)
environ * : DosEnvecPtr; (* ptr to environment table (see above) *)
flags * : LONGSET; (* flags for OpenDevice() *)
(* The include file "libraries/dosextens.h" has a DeviceList structure.
* The "device list" can have one of three different things linked onto
* it. Dosextens defines the structure for a volume. DLT_DIRECTORY
* is for an assigned directory. The following structure is for
* a dos "device" (DLT_DEVICE).
DeviceNode * = STRUCT
next * : DeviceNodePtr; (* singly linked list *)
type * : LONGINT; (* always 0 for dos "devices" *)
task * : ProcessId; (* standard dos "task" field. If this is
* null when the node is accesses, a task
* will be started up *)
lock * : FileLockPtr; (* not used for devices -- leave null *)
handler * : BSTR; (* filename to loadseg (if seglist is null) *)
stackSize * : LONGINT; (* stacksize to use when starting task *)
priority * : LONGINT; (* task priority when starting task *)
startup * : FileSysStartupMsgPtr; (* startup msg: FileSysStartupMsg for disks *)
segList * : e.BPTR; (* code to run to start new task (if necessary).
* if null then dn_Handler will be loaded. *)
globalVec * : e.BPTR; (* BCPL global vector to use when starting
* a task. -1 means that dn_SegList is not
* for a bcpl program, so the dos won't
* try and construct one. 0 tell the
* dos that you obey BCPL linkage rules,
* and that it should construct a global
* vector for you.
name * : BSTR; (* the node name, e.g. '\3','D','F','3' *)
(* use of Class and code is discouraged for the time being - we might want to
change things *)
(* --- NotifyMessage Class ------------------------------------------------ *)
class * = 40000000H;
(* --- NotifyMessage Codes ------------------------------------------------ *)
code * = 1234H;
(* Sent to the application if SEND_MESSAGE is specified. *)
NotifyMessage * = STRUCT (execMessage * : e.Message)
class * : LONGINT;
code * : INTEGER;
nReq * : NotifyRequestPtr; (* don't modify the request! *)
doNotTouch : LONGINT; (* like it says! For use by handlers *)
doNotTouch2 : LONGINT; (* dito *)
(* Do not modify or reuse the notifyrequest while active. *)
(* note: the first LONG of nr_Data has the length transfered *)
NotifyRequest * = STRUCT
name * : e.LSTRPTR;
fullName * : e.LSTRPTR; (* set by dos - don't touch *)
userData * : e.APTR; (* for applications use *)
flags * : LONGSET;
task * : e.TaskPtr; (* could also be: port * : e.MsgPortPtr *)
signalNum * : SHORTINT;
pad1,pad2,pad3: SHORTINT;
reserved * : ARRAY 4 OF LONGINT; (* leave 0 for now *)
(* internal use by handlers *)
msgCount * : LONGINT; (* # of outstanding msgs *)
handler * : e.MsgPortPtr; (* handler sent to (for EndNotify) *)
(* --- NotifyRequest.flags ------------------------------------------------ *)
sendMessage * = 0;
sendSignal * = 1;
waitReply * = 3;
notifyInitial * = 4;
(* do NOT set or remove MAGIC! Only for use by handlers! *)
magic * = 31;
(* Flags reserved for private use by the handler: *)
handlerFlags * = LONGSET{16..31};
* The CSource data structure defines the input source for "ReadItem()"
* as well as the ReadArgs call. It is a publicly defined structure
* which may be used by applications which use code that follows the
* conventions defined for access.
* When passed to the dos.library functions, the value passed as
* struct *CSource is defined as follows:
* if ( CSource == 0) Use buffered IO "ReadChar()" as data source
* else Use CSource for input character stream
* The following two pseudo-code routines define how the CSource structure
* is used:
* long CS_ReadChar( struct CSource *CSource )
* {
* if ( CSource == 0 ) return ReadChar();
* if ( CSource->CurChr >= CSource->Length ) return ENDSTREAMCHAR;
* return CSource->Buffer[ CSource->CurChr++ ];
* }
* BOOL CS_UnReadChar( struct CSource *CSource )
* {
* if ( CSource == 0 ) return UnReadChar();
* if ( CSource->CurChr <= 0 ) return FALSE;
* CSource->CurChr--;
* return TRUE;
* }
* To initialize a struct CSource, you set CSource->CS_Buffer to
* a string which is used as the data source, and set CS_Length to
* the number of characters in the string. Normally CS_CurChr should
* be initialized to ZERO, or left as it was from prior use as
* a CSource.
CSource * = STRUCT
buffer * : e.LSTRPTR;
length * : LONGINT;
curChr * : LONGINT;
* The RDArgs data structure is the input parameter passed to the DOS
* ReadArgs() function call.
* The RDA_Source structure is a CSource as defined above;
* if RDA_Source.CS_Buffer is non-null, RDA_Source is used as the input
* character stream to parse, else the input comes from the buffered STDIN
* calls ReadChar/UnReadChar.
* RDA_DAList is a private address which is used internally to track
* allocations which are freed by FreeArgs(). This MUST be initialized
* to NULL prior to the first call to ReadArgs().
* The RDA_Buffer and RDA_BufSiz fields allow the application to supply
* a fixed-size buffer in which to store the parsed data. This allows
* the application to pre-allocate a buffer rather than requiring buffer
* space to be allocated. If either RDA_Buffer or RDA_BufSiz is NULL,
* the application has not supplied a buffer.
* RDA_ExtHelp is a text string which will be displayed instead of the
* template string, if the user is prompted for input.
* RDA_Flags bits control how ReadArgs() works. The flag bits are
* defined below. Defaults are initialized to ZERO.
source * : CSource; (* Select input source *)
daList * : LONGINT; (* PRIVATE. must be initiaized to 0 *)
buffer * : e.LSTRPTR; (* Optional string parsing space. *)
bufSiz * : LONGINT; (* Size of RDA_Buffer (0..n) *)
extHelp * : e.LSTRPTR; (* Optional extended help *)
flags * : LONGSET; (* Flags for any required control *)
(* RDArgs.flags *)
stdIn * = 0; (* Use "STDIN" rather than "COMMAND LINE" *)
noAlloc * = 1; (* If set, do not allocate extra string space.*)
noPrompt * = 2; (* Disable reprompting for string input. *)
* Maximum number of template keywords which can be in a template passed
* to ReadArgs(). IMPLEMENTOR NOTE - must be a multiple of 4.
maxTemplateItems * = 100;
* Maximum number of MULTIARG items returned by ReadArgs(), before
* an ERROR_LINE_TOO_LONG. These two limitations are due to stack
* usage. Applications should allow "a lot" of stack to use ReadArgs().
maxMultiArgs * = 128;
* use an extension of this and pass it to ReadArgs()
* use one entry (see definitions below) for every template keyword
* according to it's type.
* NOTE: This has been introduced to improof type safety since somebody
* tried to pass a POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR, what totaly confused the
* garbage collector.
ArgsStruct * = STRUCT END;
(* these are UNTRACED 'cause allocated by DOS *)
ArgLongArray * = UNTRACED POINTER TO ARRAY maxMultiArgs OF ArgLong; (* /M/N*)
ArgBool * = e.LONGBOOL; (* /S, /T *)
ArgString * = e.LSTRPTR; (* /K, or nothing *)
ArgStringArray * = UNTRACED POINTER TO ARRAY maxMultiArgs OF ArgString; (* /K/M, /M *)
(* Modes for LockRecord/LockRecords() *)
recExclusive * = 0;
recExclusiveImmed * = 1;
recShared * = 2;
recSharedImmed * = 3;
(* struct to be passed to LockRecords()/UnLockRecords() *)
RecordLock * = STRUCT
fh * : FileHandlePtr; (* filehandle *)
offset * : LONGINT; (* offset in file *)
lenght * : LONGINT; (* length of file to be locked *)
mode * : LONGINT; (* Type of lock *)
(* types for SetVBuf *)
bufLine * = 0; (* flush on \n, etc *)
bufFull * = 1; (* never flush except when needed *)
bufNone * = 2; (* no buffering *)
(* the structure in the pr_LocalVars list *)
(* Do NOT allocate yourself, use SetVar()!!! This structure may grow in *)
(* future releases! The list should be left in alphabetical order, and *)
(* may have multiple entries with the same name but different types. *)
LocalVar * = STRUCT (node * : e.Node)
flags * : SET;
value * : e.LSTRPTR;
len * : LONGINT;
* The lv_Flags bits are available to the application. The unused
* lv_Node.ln_Pri bits are reserved for system use.
(* definitions for LocalVar.node.type: *)
var * = 0; (* an variable *)
alias * = 1; (* an alias *)
(* to be or'ed into type: *)
ingnore * = -80H; (* ignore this entry on GetVar, etc *)
(* definitions of flags passed to GetVar()/SetVar()/DeleteVar() *)
(* bit defs to be OR'ed with the type: *)
(* item will be treated as a single line of text unless BINARY_VAR is used *)
globalOnly * = 8;
localOnly * = 9;
binaryVar * = 10; (* treat variable as binary *)
dontNullTerm * = 11; (* only with GVF_BINARY_VAR *)
(* this is only supported in >= V39 dos. V37 dos ignores this. *)
(* this causes SetVar to affect ENVARC: as well as ENV:. *)
saveVar * = 12; (* only with GVF_GLOBAL_VAR *)
OwnerInfo * = STRUCT (* dummy for better access on SetOwner etc.*)
uid *: INTEGER;
gid *: INTEGER;
dos*, base*: DosLibraryPtr; (* synonyms *)
PROCEDURE Open *{dos,- 30}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
accessMode{2}: LONGINT): FileHandlePtr;
PROCEDURE Close *{dos,- 36}(file{1} : FileHandlePtr): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE OldClose *{dos,- 36}(file{1} : FileHandlePtr); (* Version < 36 *)
PROCEDURE Read *{dos,- 42}(file{1} : FileHandlePtr;
buffer{2} : ARRAY OF y.BYTE;
length{3} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE Write *{dos,- 48}(file{1} : FileHandlePtr;
buffer{2} : ARRAY OF y.BYTE;
length{3} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE Input *{dos,- 54}(): FileHandlePtr;
PROCEDURE Output *{dos,- 60}(): FileHandlePtr;
PROCEDURE Seek *{dos,- 66}(file{1} : FileHandlePtr;
position{2} : LONGINT;
offset{3} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE DeleteFile *{dos,- 72}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE Rename *{dos,- 78}(oldName{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
PROCEDURE Lock *{dos,- 84}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
type{2} : LONGINT): FileLockPtr;
PROCEDURE UnLock *{dos,- 90}(lock{1} : FileLockPtr);
PROCEDURE DupLock *{dos,- 96}(lock{1} : FileLockPtr): FileLockPtr;
PROCEDURE Examine *{dos,-102}(lock{1} : FileLockPtr;
VAR info{2} : FileInfoBlock): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE ExNext *{dos,-108}(lock{1} : FileLockPtr;
VAR info{2} : FileInfoBlock): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE Info *{dos,-114}(lock{1} : FileLockPtr;
VAR info{2} : InfoData): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE CreateDir *{dos,-120}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR): FileLockPtr;
PROCEDURE CurrentDir *{dos,-126}(lock{1} : FileLockPtr): FileLockPtr;
PROCEDURE IoErr *{dos,-132}(): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE CreateProc *{dos,-138}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
pri{2} : LONGINT;
segList{3} : e.BPTR;
stackSize{4} : LONGINT): ProcessId;
PROCEDURE Exit *{dos,-144}(returnCode{1}: LONGINT);
PROCEDURE LoadSeg *{dos,-150}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR): e.BPTR;
PROCEDURE UnLoadSeg *{dos,-156}(segList{1} : e.BPTR);
PROCEDURE DeviceProc *{dos,-174}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR): ProcessId;
PROCEDURE SetComment *{dos,-180}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
comment{2} : ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE SetProtection *{dos,-186}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
protect{2} : LONGSET): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE DateStamp *{dos,-192}(VAR date{1} : Date);
PROCEDURE Delay *{dos,-198}(timeout{1} : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE WaitForChar *{dos,-204}(file{1} : FileHandlePtr;
timeout{2} : LONGINT): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE ParentDir *{dos,-210}(lock{1} : FileLockPtr): FileLockPtr;
PROCEDURE IsInteractive *{dos,-216}(file{1} : FileHandlePtr): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE Execute *{dos,-222}(string{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
file{2} : FileHandlePtr;
file2{3} : FileHandlePtr): BOOLEAN;
(* --- functions in V36 or higher (Release 2.0) --- *)
(* DOS Object creation/deletion *)
PROCEDURE AllocDosObject*{dos,-228}(type{1} : LONGINT;
tags{2} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): e.APTR;
PROCEDURE AllocDosObjectTags*{dos,-228}(type{1} : LONGINT;
tag1{2}.. : u.Tag): e.APTR;
PROCEDURE FreeDosObject *{dos,-234}(type{1} : LONGINT;
ptr{2} : e.APTR);
(* Packet Level routines *)
PROCEDURE DoPkt0 *{dos,-240}(port{1} : ProcessId;
action{2} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE DoPkt1 *{dos,-240}(port{1} : ProcessId;
action{2} : LONGINT;
arg1{3} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE DoPkt2 *{dos,-240}(port{1} : ProcessId;
action{2} : LONGINT;
arg1{3} : LONGINT;
arg2{4} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE DoPkt3 *{dos,-240}(port{1} : ProcessId;
action{2} : LONGINT;
arg1{3} : LONGINT;
arg2{4} : LONGINT;
arg3{5} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE DoPkt4 *{dos,-240}(port{1} : ProcessId;
action{2} : LONGINT;
arg1{3} : LONGINT;
arg2{4} : LONGINT;
arg3{5} : LONGINT;
arg4{6} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE DoPkt *{dos,-240}(port{1} : ProcessId;
action{2} : LONGINT;
arg1{3} : LONGINT;
arg2{4} : LONGINT;
arg3{5} : LONGINT;
arg4{6} : LONGINT;
arg5{7} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE SendPkt *{dos,-246}(VAR dp{1} : DosPacket;
port{2} : ProcessId;
replyport{3} : e.MsgPortPtr);
PROCEDURE WaitPkt *{dos,-252}(): DosPacketPtr;
PROCEDURE ReplyPkt *{dos,-258}(dp{1} : DosPacketPtr;
res1{2} : LONGINT;
res2{3} : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE AbortPkt *{dos,-264}(port{1} : ProcessId;
pkt{2} : DosPacketPtr);
(* Record Locking *)
PROCEDURE LockRecord *{dos,-270}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
offset{2} : LONGINT;
length{3} : LONGINT;
mode{4} : LONGINT;
timeout{5} : LONGINT): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE LockRecords *{dos,-276}(recArray{1} : RecordLockPtr;
timeout{2} : LONGINT): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE UnLockRecord *{dos,-282}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
offset{2} : LONGINT;
length{3} : LONGINT): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE UnLockRecords *{dos,-288}(recArray{1} : RecordLockPtr): BOOLEAN;
(* Buffered File I/O *)
PROCEDURE SelectInput *{dos,-294}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr): FileHandlePtr;
PROCEDURE SelectOutput *{dos,-300}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr): FileHandlePtr;
PROCEDURE FGetC *{dos,-306}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE FPutC *{dos,-312}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
PROCEDURE UnGetC *{dos,-318}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
character{2} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE FRead *{dos,-324}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
block{2} : ARRAY OF y.BYTE;
blocklen{3} : LONGINT;
number{4} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE FWrite *{dos,-330}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
block{2} : ARRAY OF y.BYTE;
blocklen{3} : LONGINT;
number{4} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE FGets *{dos,-336}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
buflen{3} : LONGINT): e.APTR;
(* NOTE: result of FPuts has inverted logic: TRUE means failture *)
PROCEDURE FPuts *{dos,-342}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
str{2} : ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; (* inverted logic!! *)
PROCEDURE VFWritef *{dos,-348}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
format{2} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
argarray{3} : ARRAY OF y.BYTE): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE FWritef *{dos,-348}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
format{2} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
arg1{3}.. : e.APTR): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE VFPrintf *{dos,-354}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
format{2} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
argarray{3} : ARRAY OF e.APTR): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE FPrintf *{dos,-354}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
format{2} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
arg1{3}.. : e.APTR): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE Flush *{dos,-360}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE SetVBuf *{dos,-366}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
VAR buff{2} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
type{3} : LONGINT;
size{4} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
(* DOS Object Management *)
PROCEDURE DupLockFromFH *{dos,-372}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr): FileLockPtr;
PROCEDURE OpenFromLock *{dos,-378}(lock{1} : FileLockPtr): FileHandlePtr;
PROCEDURE ParentOfFH *{dos,-384}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr): FileLockPtr;
PROCEDURE ExamineFH *{dos,-390}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
VAR fib{2} : FileInfoBlock): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE SetFileDate *{dos,-396}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
date{2} : Date): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE NameFromLock *{dos,-402}(lock{1} : FileLockPtr;
VAR buffer{2}: ARRAY OF CHAR;
PROCEDURE NameFromFH *{dos,-408}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
VAR buffer{2}: ARRAY OF CHAR;
PROCEDURE SplitName *{dos,-414}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
seperator{2} : CHAR;
buf{3} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
oldpos{4} : LONGINT;
size{5} : LONGINT): INTEGER;
PROCEDURE SameLock *{dos,-420}(lock1{1} : FileLockPtr;
lock2{2} : FileLockPtr): INTEGER;
PROCEDURE SetMode *{dos,-426}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
mode{2} : LONGINT): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE ExAll *{dos,-432}(lock{1} : FileLockPtr;
buffer{2} : ARRAY OF y.BYTE;
size{3} : LONGINT;
data{4} : LONGINT;
ctrl{5} : ExAllControlPtr): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE ReadLink *{dos,-438}(port{1} : ProcessId;
lock{2} : FileLockPtr;
path{3} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
buffer{4} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
size{5} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE MakeLink *{dos,-444}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
dest{2} : LONGINT;
soft{3} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE ChangeMode *{dos,-450}(type{1} : LONGINT; (* must be changeFH *)
fh{2} : FileHandlePtr;
newmode{3} : LONGINT): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE ChangeModeLock*{dos,-450}(type{1} : LONGINT; (* must be changeLock *)
lock{2} : FileLockPtr;
newmode{3} : LONGINT): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE SetFileSize *{dos,-456}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
pos{2} : LONGINT;
mode{3} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
(* Error Handling *)
PROCEDURE SetIoErr *{dos,-462}(result{1} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE Fault *{dos,-468}(code{1} : LONGINT;
header{2} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
VAR buffer{3}: ARRAY OF CHAR;
PROCEDURE PrintFault *{dos,-474}(code{1} : LONGINT;
header{2} : ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE ErrorReport *{dos,-480}(code{1} : LONGINT;
type{2} : LONGINT; (* should be reportVolume *)
arg1{3} : DeviceListAPtr;
device{4} : ProcessId): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE ErrorReportLock*{dos,-480}(code{1} : LONGINT;
type{2} : LONGINT; (* should be reportLock *)
arg1{3} : FileLockPtr;
device{4} : ProcessId): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE ErrorReportFH *{dos,-480}(code{1} : LONGINT;
type{2} : LONGINT; (* should be reportStream *)
arg1{3} : FileHandlePtr;
device{4} : ProcessId): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE Requester *{dos,-486}(s1{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
s2{2} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
s3{3} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
flags{4} : LONGSET): LONGINT;
(* Process Management *)
PROCEDURE Cli *{dos,-492}(): CommandLineInterfaceAPtr;
PROCEDURE CreateNewProc *{dos,-498}(tags{1} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): ProcessPtr;
PROCEDURE CreateNewProcTags*{dos,-498}(tag1{1}.. : u.Tag): ProcessPtr;
PROCEDURE RunCommand *{dos,-504}(seg{1} : e.BPTR;
stack{2} : LONGINT;
paramptr{3} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
paramlen{4} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE GetConsoleTask*{dos,-510}(): ProcessId ;
PROCEDURE SetConsoleTask*{dos,-516}(task{1} : ProcessId): ProcessId;
PROCEDURE GetFileSysTask*{dos,-522}(): ProcessId;
PROCEDURE SetFileSysTask*{dos,-528}(task{1} : ProcessId): ProcessId;
PROCEDURE GetArgStr *{dos,-534}(): e.LSTRPTR;
PROCEDURE SetArgStr *{dos,-540}(string{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR): e.LSTRPTR;
PROCEDURE FindCliProc *{dos,-546}(num{1} : LONGINT): ProcessPtr;
PROCEDURE MaxCli *{dos,-552}(): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE SetCurrentDirName*{dos,-558}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE GetCurrentDirName*{dos,-564}(VAR buf{1}: ARRAY OF CHAR;
PROCEDURE SetProgramName*{dos,-570}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE GetProgramName*{dos,-576}(VAR buf{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
PROCEDURE SetPrompt *{dos,-582}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE GetPrompt *{dos,-588}(VAR buf{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
PROCEDURE SetProgramDir *{dos,-594}(lock{1} : FileLockPtr): FileLockPtr;
PROCEDURE GetProgramDir *{dos,-600}(): FileLockPtr;
(* Device List Management *)
PROCEDURE System *{dos,-606}(command{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
tags{2} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE SystemTags *{dos,-606}(command{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
tag1{2}.. : u.Tag): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE AssignLock *{dos,-612}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
lock{2} : FileLockPtr): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE AssignLate *{dos,-618}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
PROCEDURE AssignPath *{dos,-624}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
PROCEDURE AssignAdd *{dos,-630}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
lock{2} : FileLockPtr): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE RemAssignList *{dos,-636}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
lock{2} : FileLockPtr): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE GetDeviceProc *{dos,-642}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
dp{2} : DevProcPtr): DevProcPtr;
PROCEDURE FreeDeviceProc*{dos,-648}(dp{1} : DevProcPtr);
PROCEDURE LockDosList *{dos,-654}(flags{1} : LONGSET): DosListNodePtr;
PROCEDURE UnLockDosList *{dos,-660}(flags{1} : LONGSET);
PROCEDURE AttemptLockDosList*{dos,-666}(flags{1} : LONGSET): DosListNodePtr;
PROCEDURE RemDosEntry *{dos,-672}(dlist{1} : DosListNodePtr): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE AddDosEntry *{dos,-678}(dlist{1} : DosListNodePtr): DosListNodePtr;
PROCEDURE FindDosEntry *{dos,-684}(dlist{1} : DosListNodePtr;
name{2} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
flags{3} : LONGSET): DosListNodePtr;
PROCEDURE NextDosEntry *{dos,-690}(dlist{1} : DosListNodePtr;
flags{2} : LONGSET): DosListNodePtr;
PROCEDURE MakeDosEntry *{dos,-696}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
type{2} : LONGINT): DosListNodePtr;
PROCEDURE FreeDosEntry *{dos,-702}(dlist{1} : DosListNodePtr);
PROCEDURE IsFileSystem *{dos,-708}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN;
(* Handler Interface *)
PROCEDURE Format *{dos,-714}(filesystem{1}: ARRAY OF CHAR;
volumename{2}: ARRAY OF CHAR;
dostype{3} : LONGINT): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE Relabel *{dos,-720}(drive{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
newname{2} : ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE Inhibit *{dos,-726}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
onoff{2} : LONGINT): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE AddBuffers *{dos,-732}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
number{2} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
(* Date, Time Routines *)
PROCEDURE CompareDates *{dos,-738}(date1{1} : Date;
date2{2} : Date): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE DateToStr *{dos,-744}(VAR dt{1} : DateTime): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE StrToDate *{dos,-750}(VAR dt{1} : DateTime): BOOLEAN;
(* Image Management *)
PROCEDURE InternalLoadSeg*{dos,-756}(fh{1} : FileHandlePtr;
table{2} : e.BPTR;
funcarray{9} : e.APTR;
VAR stack{10}: LONGINT): e.BPTR;
PROCEDURE InternalUnLoadSeg*{dos,-762}(seglist{1}: e.BPTR;
freefunc{9} : e.PROC): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE NewLoadSeg *{dos,-768}(file{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
tags{2} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): e.BPTR;
PROCEDURE NewLoadSegTags*{dos,-768}(file{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
tags{2}.. : u.Tag): e.BPTR;
PROCEDURE AddSegment *{dos,-774}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
seg{2} : e.BPTR;
system{3} : LONGINT): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE FindSegment *{dos,-780}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
seg{2} : SegmentPtr;
system{3} : LONGINT): SegmentPtr;
PROCEDURE RemSegment *{dos,-786}(seg{1} : SegmentPtr): BOOLEAN;
(* Command Support *)
PROCEDURE CheckSignal *{dos,-792}(mask{1} : LONGSET): LONGSET;
PROCEDURE OldReadArgs *{dos,-798}(template{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
VAR array{2} : ARRAY OF y.BYTE;
args{3} : RDArgsPtr): RDArgsPtr;
PROCEDURE ReadArgs *{dos,-798}(template{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
VAR array{2} : ArgsStruct;
args{3} : RDArgsPtr): RDArgsPtr;
PROCEDURE FindArg *{dos,-804}(template{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
keyword{2} : ARRAY OF CHAR): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE ReadItem *{dos,-810}(VAR name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
maxchars{2} : LONGINT;
cSrc{3} : CSourcePtr): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE StrToLong *{dos,-816}(string{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
PROCEDURE MatchFirst *{dos,-822}(pat{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
VAR anchor{2}: AnchorPath): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE MatchNext *{dos,-828}(VAR anchor{1}: AnchorPath): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE MatchEnd *{dos,-834}(VAR anchor{1}: AnchorPath);
PROCEDURE ParsePattern *{dos,-840}(pat{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
buflen{3} : LONGINT): INTEGER;
PROCEDURE MatchPattern *{dos,-846}(pat{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
PROCEDURE FreeArgs *{dos,-858}(args{1} : RDArgsPtr);
PROCEDURE FilePart *{dos,-870}(path{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR): e.LSTRPTR;
PROCEDURE PathPart *{dos,-876}(path{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR): e.APTR;
PROCEDURE AddPart *{dos,-882}(VAR dir{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
filename{2} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
size{3} : LONGINT): BOOLEAN;
(* Notification *)
PROCEDURE StartNotify *{dos,-888}(VAR notify{1}: NotifyRequest): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE EndNotify *{dos,-894}(VAR nofify{1}: NotifyRequest);
(* Environment Variable functions *)
PROCEDURE SetVar *{dos,-900}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
buffer{2} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
size{3} : LONGINT;
flags{4} : LONGSET): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE GetVar *{dos,-906}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
VAR buffer{2}: ARRAY OF CHAR;
size{3} : LONGINT;
flags{4} : LONGSET): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE DeleteVar *{dos,-912}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
flags{2} : LONGSET): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE FindVar *{dos,-918}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
type{2} : LONGSET): LocalVarPtr;
PROCEDURE CliInit *{dos,-924}(VAR dp{8} : DosPacket): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE CliInitNewcli *{dos,-930}(VAR dp{8} : DosPacket): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE CliInitRun *{dos,-936}(VAR dp{8} : DosPacket): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE WriteChars *{dos,-942}(buf{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
buflen{2} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE PutStr *{dos,-948}(str{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE VPrintf *{dos,-954}(format{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
argarray{2} : ARRAY OF y.BYTE): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE Printf *{dos,-954}(format{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
arg1{2}.. : e.APTR): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE PrintF *{dos,-954}(format{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
arg1{2}.. : e.APTR); (* result is ignored *)
(* these were unimplemented until dos 36.147 *)
PROCEDURE ParsePatternNoCase*{dos,-966}(pat{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
PROCEDURE MatchPatternNoCase*{dos,-972}(pat{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
(* this was added for V37 dos, returned 0 before then. *)
PROCEDURE SameDevice *{dos,-984}(lock1{1} : FileLockPtr;
lock2{2} : FileLockPtr): BOOLEAN;
(* NOTE: the following entries did NOT exist before ks 36.303 (2.02) *)
(* If you are going to use them, open dos.library with version 37 *)
(* These calls were added for V39 dos: *)
PROCEDURE ExAllEnd *{dos,-3DEH}(lock{1} : FileLockPtr;
buffer{2} : ARRAY OF y.BYTE;
size{3} : LONGINT;
data{4} : LONGINT;
ctrl{5} : ExAllControlPtr);
PROCEDURE SetOwner *{dos,-3E4H}(name{1} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
ownerInfo{2}: OwnerInfo): BOOLEAN;
(* $OvflChk- $RangeChk- $StackChk- $NilChk- $ReturnChk- $CaseChk- *)
c := FGetC(Input()); IF (c<0) OR (c>255) THEN c := 0 END; RETURN CHR(c);
END ReadChar;
BEGIN RETURN FPutC(Output(),ORD(c)) END WriteChar;
BEGIN RETURN UnGetC(Input(),ORD(c)); END UnReadChar;
(* next one is inefficient *)
BEGIN RETURN FRead(Input(),buf,1,num); END ReadChars;
BEGIN RETURN FGets(Input(),buf,len); END ReadLn;
PROCEDURE WriteStr*(s: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; (* $CopyArrays- *)
BEGIN RETURN FPuts(Output(),s); END WriteStr;
(* $CopyArrays- *)
BEGIN RETURN VFWritef(Output(),format,argv); END VWritef;
* The following procedures are implemented for to avoid using SYSTEM within
* Oberon programs.
* Use this to convert a ProcessId (eg. WBStartup.process) to a ProcessPtr.
PROCEDURE ProcessIdToProcess*(id{8}: ProcessId): ProcessPtr;
BEGIN RETURN y.VAL(ProcessPtr,y.VAL(LONGINT,id)-SIZE(e.Task)); END ProcessIdToProcess;
* Use this to get a Process' ProcessId, ie. a pointer to its MsgPort.
PROCEDURE ProcessToProcessId*(proc{8}: ProcessPtr): ProcessId;
BEGIN RETURN y.ADR(proc.msgPort); END ProcessToProcessId;
dos := e.OpenLibrary(dosName,33);
IF dos = NIL THEN HALT(fail) END;
base := dos;
IF dos#NIL THEN e.CloseLibrary(dos) END;
END Dos.